Started in 2006, Molecular Frontiers operates as a non-profit organization, hosted by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Its Scientific Advisory Board, a group of eminent scientists including many Nobel Prize laureates, represent expertise from a wide range of molecular science disciplines
Date: October 28-29, 2013
Organized by Molecular Frontiers Foundation, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, and Korea University, this special event brough together the most famous collection of scientists ever to visit Korea at one time!
A large number of high school students met and interacted with leading scientists, university presidents, government ministers, business leaders and several Nobel Prize winners.
Lectures, in chronological order:
Convergience of Science - a View Through the Nobel Prize
Prof Bengt Nordén, Chairman of Molecular Frontiers Foundation
Bioinfomatics for the 21st Century
Dr Richard Roberts, 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, New England Biolabs, United States
Toward Developing New Bioprotective Compounds: Biological Challenges and Chemical Opportunities
Professor Andrew Fire, 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, Stanford University, United States
To Discover the Unknown
Professor Bertil Andersson, Presiden of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Bioinformatics for Drug Delivery
Dr Robert Langer, Massachussetts Institute of Technology, United States
Tastes in My Heart - How Passion Made My Dream Come True
Chef Jennie Walldén, 2013 Winner of Master Chef, Sweden
How Do We Foster Creativity to Solve Big Problems?
Panel talk
From Basic Science to Advanced in Antiinfective Medicine
Professor Ada Yonath, 2009 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Weizmann Institute, Israel
Inorganic Graphene Analogues and Related Materials
Professor C N R Rao, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, India
Development of Canceer Immunotherapy Utilizing Cross-disciplinary Tools in Biomedical Engineering
Professor Kyung-Mi Lee, Korea University, Republic of Korea
Revisiting Old Knowledge in an RNA World
Dr Alexandra Henrion-Caude, National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France
Muliscale Modeling of Complex Biological Systems and Processes
Dr Arieh Warshel, 2013 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, University of Southern California, United States
Science, Culture and My Story
Panel Talk
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