Started in 2006, Molecular Frontiers operates as a non-profit organization, hosted by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Its Scientific Advisory Board, a group of eminent scientists including many Nobel Prize laureates, represent expertise from a wide range of molecular science disciplines
Molecular Frontiers Symposium returned to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm in May 2017, with this timely topic. The symposium featured a number of distinguished speakers.
Tuesday, May 23, 9 AM-5PM
Jack Szostak: Origin of life on earth and design of alternatives |
Robert Langer: Synthetic tissues |
Frances Arnold: New enzymes by evolution |
Jennifer Doudna: CRISPR Systems: From adaptive immunity to genome editing |
Emmanuelle Charpentier: Gene editing and genome engineering with CRISPR-Cas9 |
Dan Gibson: Design and Synthesis of cells from the bottom up |
Discussion in plenum with symposium co-chairs Lorie Karnath and Bengt Nordén
Wednesday, May 24, 9AM-5PM
Leroy Hood: Scientific wellness and healthcare |
Gerald Joyce: Self-replicating synthetic systems |
Jens Nielsen: Controlling metabolism: From yeast to human |
Nick Lane: Origin of eukaryotic cell |
Reiko Kuroda: Mirror-image animals - mechanical manipulation and a point mutation |
Discussion in plenum with symposium co-chairs Lorie Karnath and Bengt Nordén
The symposium is organized by Molecular Frontiers Foundation and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and funded by Chalmers University of Technology, The Swedish Research Council and Merck.
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