Started in 2006, Molecular Frontiers operates as a non-profit organization, hosted by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Its Scientific Advisory Board, a group of eminent scientists including many Nobel Prize laureates, represent expertise from a wide range of molecular science disciplines
The 2010 Symposium at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences covered topics such as photovoltaics, hydrogen production and solar concentration power.
Speakers included Nobel Prize laureate Alan Heeger, Paul Alivisatos and Galen Stucky.
Lectures, in chronological order:
Using Light to Activate Molecules on Surfaces
Marye Anne Fox, University of California, San Diego, United States
Ultrafast photoinduced electron transfer as a route to high efficiency solar cells
Alan Heeger, 2000 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, University of Californa at Santa Barbara, United States | Homepage
Semi-conducting polymers as basis of organic solar cells
Richard Friend, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom | Homepage
Energy and photosynthesis: natural and artificial capture and conversion of sunlight for production of solar fuels
Nathan Lewis, California Institute of Technology, United States | Homepage
Energy and photosynthesis: catalysts for production of hydrogen
Daniel Nocera. Massachussetts Institute of Technology, United States | Homepage
Beyond Oil and Gas: the Methanol Economy by Recycling of Carbon Dioxide
Surya Prakash, University of Southern Californa, United States | Homepage
Water splitting: Learning from Nature
James Barber, Imperial College, United Kingdom | Homepage
New materials for organic solar cells
Tobin Marks, Northwestern University, United States | Homepage
Impact of Nanotechnology on Alternative Energy
Paul Alivisatos, Berkeley, United States | Homepage
Novel Energy Attributes of Graphene and Carbon Nanotubes
C.N.R.Rao, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre, India | Homepage